Friday, May 26, 2006

China- Xi'an

By the window...see any fairies?
i think i did. cos the flight was pretty rough and i was seeing stars by the time we were above vietnam...


First Day: Xi'an

Muslim Street

Freaking cold can pengsan dot com
(Reached at 2++...jalan-jalan, dinner...checked in to the first hotel. din wanna stay out for too long. temperature was way too cold)

Second Day: Xi'an

Terraccota City

Thanx to an old farmer (who's earning at least thousands of yuans a day just letting people take pictures with him) who dug out the head of a clay head of a soldier while trying to dig a well.

Lady Yang's Garden

Lady Yang. Supposed to be fat. the Tang Dynasty preffered fat ladies...:)
A place where the king, his price and his concubines bathed. pfft...the blady compound is so big u'll lose ur way inside

Lady Yang's's quite big actually...

the king's...and he bathes alone, the most with a fat concubine...i can snorkel in there mien!!

Bell Tower

A structure that seperates the North, South, East and West in each province.

next: Lok Yeung

Posted by Peanutxz :: 2:58 AM :: 0 Comments:

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